veBEAM Voting and Rewards
The veBEAM NFT confers governance rights on future $BEAM emissions. veBEAM holders receive the earned trading fees and bribes of the reward pool that they vote for each week, as well as a weekly veBEAM rebase explained below.
veBEAM holders control all newly-minted $BEAM emissions through their weekly votes. All trading fees from ve(3,3) liquidity pools are sent to their respective reward pools throughout the week (known as an epoch). Before epoch flip (0000 UTC each Thursday), veBEAM holders can use their veNFTs to vote on the reward pool of their choice.
Of course, the pools with more trading volume or more bribes will have more rewards in the reward pool, making it more attractive for veBEAM holders to vote for that pool (as veBEAM holders only receive fees/bribes from the reward pools that they vote for in that particular epoch).
Votes can be changed or reset, but cannot be reset 4 hours prior to epoch flip to avoid malicious intent in the form of last minute vote switching.
After the epoch ends, the voting rewards, bribes, and rebase are available to be claimed by veBEAM holders. Claimable fee and bribe rewards for the holder are calculated as:
user's veNFT votes in a reward pool / total votes in the reward pool
Therefore, adding more $BEAM to a veBEAM NFT increases its voting power and ability to earn greater rewards from doing so.
Last updated