Beam Native Tokens
The Beam ve(3,3) ecosystem is centered around two tokens to manage its utility and governance:
$BEAM — ERC-20 utility token of the protocol, minted and emitted to ve(3,3) liquidity pools each week
veBEAM — ERC-721 governance token in the form of an NFT (non-fungible token)
veBEAM is used for governance. Any $BEAM holder can vote-escrow their tokens and receive veBEAM (also known as a veNFT) in exchange. Additional $BEAM tokens can be added to the veBEAM NFT at any time, increasing its voting power. You can read more about these mechanics here.
Max veNFT lock period: 2 years
veBEAM positions can be merged, split, and sold on the secondary market
Last updated